Terence White is a filmmaker and photographer, living on the Wicklow/Wexford border. His films have been screened at festivals in Ireland and abroad, as well as being broadcast on television. He will make two Arts Council funded films in 2025. He has photographed Traveller Women for Moving Images, a project funded by Creative Ireland, and contributed to the Gap Arts Festival’s Re-Creation photography project. His photographs feature in the publication The Book of Tomnafinnoge, a Courthouse Arts Centre publication. This is his first solo exhibition.
The Locals features people from different countries and cultures, who have moved to the catchment area of the Courthouse Arts Centre. The aim of the project is to challenge the definition of who a local is, in a changing Ireland. The exhibition also features landscapes, on the theme of Borders and Boundaries. Over the course of the last year, Terence has photographed striking physical and geographical boundaries in the region. In the initial stages of the photography residency, he facilitated an outreach project with adults at Kare Tinahely, and these are being displayed on a monitor in the exhibition space.
(Mural by Lar Griffin Art for Tinahely Tidy Towns.)
Terence White residency supported by the Arts Council of Ireland.